Love Cafes

LOVE CAFES are a time-out from the busy and distracting world that we have created from ourselves, which keep us dumb, deaf, and blind of the purpose that God created us children for.

At Love Cafes souls will find a place to pause, reflect, contemplate, and ponder. A place to reset and a place to discover.  A place to find the necessary resources, counseling, and help needed to get back on our original life plan track.

Love Cafes are an awakenings opportunity and experience, for the soul to remember and to reconnect.

FAMILY workshops and support is another driving force behind the concept.   We are not just an initiative to prepare for boy to meet girl, but rather we are an effort to create, build, support, and assist souls world-wide to live under the blessed umbrella of FAMILY one of God’s most beautiful creation and shelter for the believer.

After decades of all-out war by the powers-that-be towards the family-unit, we at 12of12 strive at making love, family, and family life popular, desirable, and operational again.

From local governments, to local schools, to academia, to local organizations, the war against the family-unit has taken its toll and we are here to halt, repair, and recover.

Ensuring that we stick to a non-denominational approach or goal is to prepare and also to help already formed families to be successful with every possible tool available.   

Health and strong family units lead to health neighborhoods, which lead to health towns, which lead to healthy and positive cities, and nations.   And the planet can and will be changed, one family at the time.




  • Workshops
  • Certification
  • Meetups
  • Couples Therapy
  • Family Therapy
  • Pre | Post Divorce Rescue
  • Divorce | Loss Healing